Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday Fill-In

  1. It seems like this day is FLYING by.

  2. Call me when you're done, please?

  3. If I thought you could handle it I'd tell you!

  4. Silly is what I think of most when I think of you.

  5. To me, Valentine's Day means getting extra attention and bribery with chocolates.

  6. God gives me strength.

  7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to BUNCO, tomorrow my plans include having fun at our Valentines party and Sunday, I want to chillax!

You can get your 'Friday Fill-In' clicking on the title or using the button in the left ♥FAVORITE SITES column. *or re-post in a comment below!*


Lisa said...

1. It seems like I've been pregnant forever.

2. Turn in your paper when you're done, please?

3. If I thought you were lying I'd be really angry!

4. Love is what I think of most when I think of you.

5. To me, Valentine's Day means love.

6. Lately, I give me strength.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to sleeping, tomorrow my plans include soccer games and Sunday, I want to return some shower gifts and look for a baby dresser!

Joni said...

It seems like time goes by so quickly.

Let me know when you're done, please?

If I thought you were hurt I'd stop laughing.

Happiness is what I think of most when I think of you.

To me, Valentine's Day means a day to spoil those I love.

Faith gives me strength.

And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to feeding my homeless friends, tomorrow my plans include getting paperwork ready for applying to grad school, and Sunday, is a no chore, reading, movie kind of day.